City of Shelby Real Estate
Bitterroot School ~ located at 622 Granite Avenue
- Tax ID 636211
- Shelby 1st Addition, Block 4, Lots 7-9; 13-18
- Lots 7-9: 150 ft. x 120 ft. = 18,000 sq. ft.
- Lots 10-12: City retains for park
- Lots 13 -18: 300 ft. x 120 ft. = 36,000 sq. ft.
The City of Shelby was awarded ARPA funding in which to demolish the former Bitterroot School in 2023. The property is zoned medium density residential. The property can be purchased on a per-lot basis with the City retaining Lots 10-12 for a neighborhood park. A sewer line bi-sects the property running north south. Water is available in Benton and Granite Streets to the east and west.
Contact City Finance Officer Jade Goroski at 434-5222 or email for additional information and negotiation details.
Rainbow Hotel ~ located at 411 Main Street
- Tax ID 503870/504870
- Shelby 2nd Addition, Block 11, Lots 1-3 plus closed alley
- Lots 1 & 2: 70 ft. x 115 ft. = 8,050 sq. ft.
- Lot 3: 35 ft. x 115 ft. = 4,025 sq. ft.
The Rainbow Hotel is a 1923 three-story brick building at the northwest corner of Main St. and 3rd Ave. It is an example of the western commercial style with mono-chromatic brick detailing. The south elevation is symmetrical with a centered main entry. The south and east elevations are the primary elevations sharing many of the same masonry elements. The west elevation, which appears secondary in its detailing is conspicuous since it fronts a parking lot. The north elevation faces an alley but is visible from 3rd Ave. A fire escape and Rainbow Hotel ghost sign occupy the north elevation.
The lot’s slope to the north exposes a concrete foundation with punched basement window openings. A brick soldier course makes up the brickwork’s first course. The hotel’s brickwork is laid in a running bond. First floor window sills are two courses: stretcher bricks topped with header bricks. Both are set just proud of the wall plane. Window and door heads are flush soldier coursing on steel lintels. Second floor window sills are integrated with a band that wraps around the building. The band’s detailing matches sills at the first floor.
Corbelling with a cementitious cap articulates the third-floor level. This forms the third floor window sill on the south and east elevations. A horizontal band of stretcher brick topped with header brick wraps the north and west elevations. The building cornice copies the corbelling at the third-floor level. The cornice occupies only the south and east elevations. A simpler soldier course capped with a rowlock detail caps the north and west elevations.
In 2013 original lobby picture windows topped with multi-lite transoms were replaced with single-lite units. The balance of the building’s windows is six-over-one wood sash units in the guest rooms, and four-over-one sash units in the bathrooms. These are boarded.
Interior layout consists of a lobby space and adjacent commercial space. Each floor has a central corridor flanked by guest rooms and communal bathrooms. Interior plaster, doors and trim were removed in a 2013 EPA Brownfields cleanup. Stud walls and floor plans remain at each level.
The historic hotel remained open until the early 1990’s. The City of Shelby purchased the hotel in February of 2011 with the intent of remediation and revitalization. The City was awarded grant funding through the EPA Brownfields Program to address asbestos, lead-based paints and mold within the building. The cleanup was completed in early 2014.
Listed in “Montana’s Grandest Historic Hotels and Resorts of the Treasure State”, the Rainbow Hotel is waiting to be resurrected. Contact City Finance Officer Jade Goroski at 434-5222 or email for additional information and negotiation details.

Historic Shelby High ~ located at 133 6th Avenue South
- Tax ID 636210 (prop 70)
- Johnsons 1st Addition, Block 32, Lot 1-8 = 92,262.50 sq. ft.
- Lots 1-8, 11-18: 35 ft. x 141 ft. x 16 lots = 78,960 sq. ft.
- Lots 9-10 = 25 ft. x 141 ft. x 2 lots = 7,050 sq. ft.
- Closed alley = 20. 5 ft. x 305 ft. = 6,252.50 sq. ft.
Historic Shelby High is a 30,135 square foot brick façade of classical antiquity style. The grand entrance is a stepped tower with embedded symmetrical stone-carved rectangular plaques. Lobby details include bas-relief modern material plaques, chevron ceiling frieze and zigzag frieze detailing bordering the interior walls. Hallways are lighted with art deco style stepped ceiling fixtures and wood doors are ornately detailed. These deco sculptural reliefs are stylized designs simplified in keeping with the dynamics of the style, “moderne”. The themes represented in the reliefs, frieze, windows and doors include nature, history, speed, sound, telegraph, radio signals and sunbursts.
Historic Shelby School sits on the southeast corner of 6th Avenue and 1st St. South in Shelby. The three-story building is of art deco style with a flat roof and concrete foundation. The brick building has retained much of its integrity including the plaques; painted frieze; lighting fixtures; wooden built-in cupboards; some doors; and hardwood floors in the classrooms. Throughout the life of the building some remodeling and modernized has taken place within the classrooms and office, but hallways, gymnasium, library and assembly room are intact. Windows in the gymnasium were bricked in and other windows replaced with more efficient double pane windows. School District #14 conducted an asbestos abatement project in 1988. In 2006, the City of Shelby purchased the property and conducted a complete asbestos and lead-based paint remediation project through an EPA Brownfields Cleanup Grant. Stucco and painted sheetrock have been removed from gym areas and hallways. The building sees limited use with the gym available for sporting events and community projects. Contact City Finance Officer Jade Goroski at 434-5222 or email for additional information and negotiation details.

Virden Lake ~ located west of Shelby along Highway 2
- Tax ID 870086
- 14.12 acres West of Shelby on US Highway 2
- Section 10, T32N, part N2NW4 & West 700’ of NW4NE4
The Virden Lake property was deeded to the City of Shelby by the Great Northern Railway in 1958. The land was leased for cattle grazing from 1991-2011. Today the acreage is left as natural grass land. Contact City Finance Officer Jade Goroski at 434-5222 or email for additional information and negotiation details.