Animal Control
Anthony Botts The City of Shelby sincerely appreciates those pet owners who control and take good care of their pets. The dog license period for the City of Shelby runs on the calendar year (January to December). If you have more than two dogs, you m ...more
Chief Finance Officer
Jade Goroski 434-5222 ...more
City Attorney
Daniel T. Jones, JD/MBA with Gustafson Law Office is the City of Shelby City Attorney.  He earned his Juris Doctorate and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of Montana. Prior to that, he earned a Bachelor of Arts i ...more
City Building Inspector
Please contact Shelby City Hall at (406) 434-5222 for all building inspection and ordinance enforcement. ...more
City Judge
City Court Judge Donna Whitt took office January 1st, 2023. She has been trained and certified through the Montana Supreme Court. Judge Whitt presides over any citation issued into Shelby City Court. Prior to serving in the Judicial System, Judge Whi ...more
Community Development
The Office of Community Development 406-434-5222 The Office of Community Development serves to administer and oversee numerous projects for the benefit of the community. Safe Routes to School: The community of Shelby has an active Safe Routes to Scho ...more
Council Members
Ward 1 Sanna Clark Jayce Yarn Ward 2 ​ Pat Frydenlund 450-2908 Lyle Kimmet Ward 3 Bill Moritz 424-2183  Joe Flesch ...more
Economic Development
NETA Port of Northern Montana Office phone 406-434-5203 NETA Director: Larry Bonderud; ...more
Fire Protection
Shelby Volunteer Fire Department (non-emergency) at (406)434-2303 ...more
Welcome to the City of Shelby website. Our goal is to make the site easily accessible; complete in information; and give you a picture of all Shelby has to offer. Shelby is a welcoming community with a very colorful past and even brighter future. ...more
Meeting Schedule
December 16, 2024 6:30 p.m. Regular City Council Meeting 12 16 24 Council Packet December 30, 2024 6:30 p.m. Park & Recreation Meeting (Mayor, Superintendent, Frydenlund, Kimmet) January 6, 2025 6:00 p.m. Audit Committee (Mayor, Finance Officer, ...more
Public Works
Eric Kary City Superintendent 406-304-1307 Shop email City Shop is located at 66 City Shop Road 434-5564 Shelby Landfill:Â 66 City Shop Road ~ 434-5564 ...more
Recreation Department
Jessi La Tray 434-5114 The Civic Center is the community’s recreation center. The facility has a basketball court; 2 racquetball courts; weight room; elliptical room; treadmill and stair-stepper room; spinning room a ...more